About Powerhouse Golf
Based in Middleton, Manchester, Powerhouse Golf specialise in all golf equipment and services. Their core business is their offering of one of the largest selection of single seat golf buggies and power assisted electric golf trolleys within UK and Europe. They are also a retailer of all types of golfing equipment, everything from the latest golf clubs to golf clothing and offer lessons and rounds of golf on their state of the art simulators. Open 7 days a week, Powerhouse golf offers everything you need all ‘under one roof’.
Project Detail
Through an external referral, Centurius were contacted by Powerhouse Golf for an initial chat about the possible redevelopment of their existing web site. The client outlined the current issues that the site was experiencing as well as the possible improvements that they would like implemented. Centurius then put together some recommendations for the site as well as a quote for the work. A few days later Centurius were commissioned to carry out the redevelopment and restructure of the powerhouse golf site within the client’s current version of Sellerdeck Business 2013.
The client later provided detailed mock-ups of the look and feel they desired for the new site, outlining colours framework dimensions as well as fonts. As we understood the software templates implicitly we discussed and advised the client on what could and couldn’t be achieved.
Centurius then received the clients latest snapshot and set about to work on mirroring the flat design within the Sellerdeck software. There was a complete design overhaul to the site making the site larger in width with an alternative menu system for quick and easy navigation. Centurius also integrated a suitable google font family which gave the site a more eye catching look with larger fonts for ease of reading.
Globally Centurius first went about restructuring the site by consolidating the sections down to a manageable number so that they would fit neatly within the new mega menu.
A number of functions were included in the site to give a professional look and feel. Within the homepage we created new fragment variables that allowed the client to give more sales focus to their customers. The new fragment allowed for a MRRP price, current price and sales saving cost to be entered into the software. As well as this the client could also add a mini logo if desired to reinforce the product brand. Enhanced CSS was applied to the headers to create desired shadow effects on the page.
The client had previously implemented a virtual assistant plugin which introduces the website to first time visitors. Centurius assisted in altering some of the settings so that the media file could be played on specific pages if desired.
The core templates were altered with a second column being relocated to the right hand side of the web page. Using the in-built ‘block’ functionality Centurius were able to only need generate one master template and depending on the page-type that the site recognised would display a dedicated right hand column layout.
In relation to the right hand column we created advert variables that allowed the client to add a background to the dedicated area, along with text, text colour plus an area to enter where the advert needed to take the person.
The core of the work resided within the product details page where the client wanted to keep the customer retention high by offering upgrades and upsells quickly yet efficiently. This was achieved by implementing a third party plugin which enhances the current Sellerdeck ‘Related Products’ by pulling in the product within a pop up box over the top of the product page, thus giving the ability to buy there and then. Centurius were also able give the client the ability to change the header image of the related products area.
Prior to the work being carried out the client had already implemented a number of products, such as a multiple image function as well as a tabber function that allows a lot of information to be separated into bite-sized chunks of tabbed information. Based on the client’s designs of the product page we implemented some small additional variables that allowed the client to attach multiple pdf files to a product. Once a file had been attached then a supporting icon would appear to the right hand side of the link to the file. We were also able to give the client the opportunity to enter a large message related to the product. This could be set either at section level or product specific level.
To summarise the project Centurius were able to evolve the site to the next level allowing enhanced functionality which gives greater time efficiency when administering the site. As well as this we pride ourselves on building long term partnerships with our clients, Powerhouse Golf and Centurius will be working together on future projects to enhance the site further.
We needed our web site to become an additional sales person, that could easily be navigated and assist the user in a friendly and informative manor.
We had a particular design and feel that we wanted the site to convey.
With this is mind we set about trying to find a company who was able to covert our ideas to a working web site. We contacted Centurius through a recommendation and immediately found they were able to fully understand our requirements and more importantly, the attention to detail of our particular needs.
We spent time discussing our goal and what exactly we needed to the finest detail. This was most refreshing in an industry that normally would produce what they think you need instead of what you had asked for.
Over the following days, online working proofs were produced and I had full access to comment and adjust design/content if needed.
Within the quoted time frame, the site was finished, using there server, we were able to view navigate and change any aspect we felt was not to our liking. This was really not necessary as the site was so carefully constructed.
When we were happy, the complete site, including up to date content was transferred to our working domain, there is no down time, and everything changes instantly.
The impact the new design has had on our sales has been impressive to say the least.
Customers are now able interact much easier and our staff use the site as a focal point for reference. Our web site has become a fundamental part of our company and will continue to develop with our business. I look forward to working with Centurius over the coming months/years and would urge you to call them to discuss your requirements. Many thanks.
Lyndon Willcox – Director
Powerhouse Golf